Ditch the Pitch and Workshop Your Agency Relationship

Proposal bid workshops have the potential to completely change the RPF landscape.

Designer jeans, distressed Oxfords, elbow-patches on the sport coat, and an 182-slide sales pitch shouldn’t win business anymore. Agencies are great at looking and sounding shiny. How can marketing and development teams in higher education vet an agency’s ability to deliver results and see through a veneer of polish?

Well, we are institutions of learning. How about creating a learning environment? By having agencies workshop their proposal bids, we learn 1) how the agency thinks and works, 2) how the agency’s team will work with our teams, and 3) what deliverables from the agency look like.

In this presentation you’ll learn how to

  • Zap pitch-centric proposals from the start by re-envisioning the RFP
  • Mind-meld with high-level internal stakeholders to get their buy-in
  • Morph pitch-day into an enjoyable, collaborative workshop experience
  • Harness workshop kinetic energy to kick-off a project successfully
  • Save your soul from sales-pitch dystopia

This learning will happen in the context of an actual case study, highlighting the experience of a four-year private university’s website transformation RFP, proposal bid workshop, and project inception.


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